Shafi’i Jurisprudence

This programme provides students with a thorough grounding in Shafi’i jurisprudence, from a legal theory (usul al-fiqh) and a substantive law (fiqh) perspective.

The programme covers aspects related to both the ritual acts of worship (ibadat) and interpersonal dealings (mu’amalat). Students are encouraged to apply their knowledge of the foundational legal rulings in these areas to adopt and debate scenarios relevant to the modern context. Where it is instructive to do so, students compare and contrast the Shafiite position with those adopted by other jurisprudential schools.

The primary course text is Abu-Shuja’s “al-Ghaya wa al-Taqrib”. This is supplemented by more detailed Shafi’i manuals including al-Minhaj and its commentaries.

Weekly 1-hour sessions are designed for blended learning, supporting both on-campus and online attendance.


 1. Foundations of Shafiite Jurisprudence:

   - Understand the inception and evolution of the Shafiite school and its significance within Islamic jurisprudence.

 2. Proficiency in Shafiite Fiqh:

  - Develop a deep understanding of the principles and practical applications of Shafiite legal thought.

 3. Enhanced Legal Reasoning:

  - Analyse complex scenarios and practise the methodology employed to arrive at a resolution within a Shafiite framework.

 4. Theological and Spiritual Insight:

  - Gain profound insights into the theological and spiritual dimensions of Shafiite fiqh.

Day & Time
Mondays 9:00pm-10:00pm

On-Campus | Online | Blended Learning

Registration: Reached Capacity

Lecturer: Dr Badreldeen Ismail al-Husayni