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The Light of Knowledge in Enduring Times, with Professor Shaykh Hasan al-Shafi’i

Seminar Overview:

Join us for an enlightening seminar where Professor Shaykh Hasan al-Shafi’i will delve into "The Light of Knowledge in Enduring Times." This presentation will explore:

  • The Value of Knowledge: How authentic knowledge shapes and reshapes our values, offers hope and purpose, and strengthens us in the face of adversity.

  • Endurance and Resilience: The role of knowledge in fortifying the human spirit, fostering perseverance, moral courage, and spiritual resolve.

  • Hope and Purpose in Challenging Times: How knowledge serves as an enduring compass, providing clarity, conviction, and confidence during periods of difficulty and doubt.

  • Knowledge as the Centre of Life: Understanding why knowledge lies at the heart of personal, communal, and civilisational progress.

    For further information and registration details, click here.

10 August

The Merits and Characteristics of Scholarship in the Haramayn.