Classical Islamic Logic 

This programme provides students with a thorough grounding in the fundamental principles, terminology and key topics of logic. Through a Socratic approach in the classroom, students learn key themes including the importance of clear and precise definitions; the classification of terms into categories; the different types of propositions and their structures; the construction of valid syllogisms and the rules that govern them; and the identification and avoidance of common logical fallacies. This course provides students with the rational tools to construct and analyse logical arguments and proofs.

The primary course text is “Isagoge”, by al-Abhari, supported by curated extracts from the works of al-Farabi, Ibn Sina and al-Ghazali.

Weekly 1-hour sessions are designed for blended learning, supporting both on-campus and online attendance.


 1. Proficiency in Islamic Logic:

   - Achieve a comprehensive understanding of the principles of classical Islamic logic.

 2. Advanced Analytical Skills:

   - Develop the ability to critically analyse and construct complex logical arguments.

 3. Historical and Intellectual Contextualisation:

   - Gain a deep appreciation of the historical and intellectual context of mantiq within Islamic scholarship.

 4. Integration of Epistemology and Ontology:

   - Understand and apply the Islamic approach to the interconnection between knowledge and being.

Day & Time
Mondays 8:00pm-9:00pm

On-Campus | Online | Blended Learning

Registration: Reached Capacity

Lecturer: Dr Badreldeen Ismail al-Husayni